The day of Bethany's baby shower finally arrived (Sunday, Feb. 19th), and we received a massive amount of gifts! Thank you everyone! (you will still be receiving your formal thank you letter in the mail, so don't worry).
For those of you who don't know, we recently added on a sunroom to the house for the very purpose of having more space when the baby came. It turns out we need every inch of it! Every room I walk in there is some baby-related item to walk around. I don't know how one little person could possibly need so much stuff, but I will find out first hand soon enough.
Bethany is now at 33 weeks and is definitely ready to not be pregnant anymore. But there is still more preparation time required. We have 6 more Bradley classes to attend, Gabe's room needs to be set-up, and I need to do some late night cramming of any birth or parenting related information I can get my hands on!
Pat, Bethany's Mom, was here visiting us this weekend and we were both thrilled she could be here for the shower and spend time with us. She is planning to come back for the birth so hopefully that will work out.
In the midst of all of the baby stuff going on, I was able to attend Sean's 27th birthday party on Saturday night and had a great time smashing ping pong balls, thrashing guitars, and crying havoc! If anyone hasn't tried the PS2 game, Guitar Hero, you have to try it!!! If I owned a PS2, I would buy it in a instant, but I heard it is so popular it is sold out in stores (although you can find it on eBay). It is a game in which you watch the screen and try to play a toy guitar to the beat of the songs. Why did no one think of this concept before? I hope that Nintendo can come up with something similar as I am not about to buy a PS2. Crying Havoc refers to a new card game that we played until 3:00 a.m. in the morning. It involves building poker hands and then winning battles with them. It is a very clever and inventive game and everyone had a good time. Congrats to Mike on his 6-card straight flush (highest hand in the game), although James pulled out the win in the end.
My View on Reality TV
Taking a break from the usual content, I wanted to share my views on Reality TV shows.
Ever since "Survivor" debuted on TV (back in 2000?) - I have been intrigued with reality TV shows. It was the birth of a brand new and exciting format that had not been accomplished on TV before. Well, Real World on MTV existed before that, but there was something new and novel about the Survivor concept. Survivor was the first show to take the unscripted concept and make it into a contest. Sort of a cross between a gameshow and a drama.
Survivor's success in the ratings led to a deluge of copycat shows as the networks tried to capitalize on this new hot trend. At first there were only a few followers - Big Brother, Amazing Race, and Boot Camp were some of the early adopters. But soon, the spigot was turned on and shows were piled on top of shows until all you saw on TV was yet another new reality show. In fact, there have been over 300 reality shows released since then - if you don't believe me, visit this website - Reality TV Links
As with anything, a majority of these shows were just plain crap and disappeared after only 1 season (if they weren't cancelled before that). Subject matter has ranged from date/hook-up shows (Blind Date, The Bachelor), talent shows (American Idol, Dancing with the Stars), game-type shows (Who Wants to be a millionaire?, Weakest Link), makeover shows (Extreme Makeover, Trading Spaces), contest shows (Survivor, Apprentice), and shows that really don't have a point but to show people in real life situations (Real World, A Simple Life).
When reality shows were just getting started, I tried to make a point of watching at least the 1st episode of each one to see if I liked it. Pretty soon this became an impossible endeavor. After seeing some truly awful shows (Married by America anyone?), I gave up that idea and just watched the shows I liked. This narrowed it down quite a bit.
A few of these shows I continued to watch even though they weren't very good, but eventually I gave up on them. I used to watch Big Brother for a few seasons, but just couldn't stomach it after a while. I watched the first season of Biggest Loser, but haven't watched it since. I watched the Benefactor until it was cancelled. My biggest achievement is actually sitting through the whole season of Apprentice: Martha Stewart. Man was that awful! I did not watch the final episode however; someone told me it was not worth it and saved me the time.
Where has that left my reality TV show viewing? There are currently three reality shows on TV right now that I make a point to watch every week, three that I would watch if they came back, and one that I will watch on occasion, but don't care if I miss an episode.
Watch on Occasion:
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition - This is a great show and I watched most every episode last season. It is a feel good show and often a tear-jerker. However, the plot is always the same (find a family, build a house, show them the house), that I don't feel compelled to watch it every week.
Waiting for a Return:
30 Days - I was a big fan of the movie "Super Size Me" by Morgan Spurlock, so I made it a point to watch this series and I wasn't disappointed. The premise of the show was that he got someone to agree to take on a certain lifestyle for 30 days and tracked their progress. On one show, him and his wife tried to live off of minimum wage for a month. On another show, a Christian man was forced to live with a Muslim Family and partake in their faith. The show mixed humor and educational value (like his movie), and I would gladly tune in to a new season.
Rock Star: Inxs - In some ways I enjoyed this show better than "American Idol". Only 12 singers were selected from the beginning, so there were no really bad performances. The music was rock and not pop which was a refreshing change. The personalities of the contestants really shown through and made it memorable. I definitely think that this format should be repeated - the producers just have to find another well known band that is looking for a lead singer.
Apprentice: Trump - Although Trump is an arrogant SOB, he still provides for some entertaining moments of TV. The production values of the Apprentice rival that of Survivor. The personalities really get a chance to shine through in this show making for great drama. I am wondering how long Trump can continue to hire apprentices though... pretty soon he will have a whole staff of nothing but them. I can't imagine he won't be back with a new season this fall though.
What I am Watching Now:
Survivor - Survivor is in its 12th! Season and still going strong. The format is a proven winner and they mix it up just enough each season to keep my interest. I have seen every minute of every season. After 11 seasons, the surprises have gotten fewer and fewer as the show plays out basically the same each time, so I don't see the show lasting forever. However, it is a testament to a really good show to be on the air this long and I will continue to watch as long as they keep churning them out. A few suggestions - how about a medieval-themed survivor?, an Egyptian theme?, or survivor in a cold climate? - all ideas that they haven't been tried yet.
Amazing Race - I am a late comer to the Amazing Race having watched only the last two seasons. I can see why it is one of the top reality shows and continues to garner high ratings. I'm looking forward to the new season when it begins this month.
American Idol - Every year I say this will be the last time I watch this show and every year I get hooked on it again. This year is no exception. While watching the judges has grown tiresome and boring, the rest of the show is anything but as it is the contestants that really make the show. Seacreast does an ample job without going over the top. More than any other reality show, this one has the best build-up. You get to see hopefuls at their first audition and wonder if they will make it all the way to the end. This is probably the toughest show to win (except maybe for The Apprentice). This year I have an early favorite and he is my pick to win.
Three words:
Is he the newest member of the Soggy Bottom Boys? Bring back that old-timey music!!

Survivor's success in the ratings led to a deluge of copycat shows as the networks tried to capitalize on this new hot trend. At first there were only a few followers - Big Brother, Amazing Race, and Boot Camp were some of the early adopters. But soon, the spigot was turned on and shows were piled on top of shows until all you saw on TV was yet another new reality show. In fact, there have been over 300 reality shows released since then - if you don't believe me, visit this website - Reality TV Links
As with anything, a majority of these shows were just plain crap and disappeared after only 1 season (if they weren't cancelled before that). Subject matter has ranged from date/hook-up shows (Blind Date, The Bachelor), talent shows (American Idol, Dancing with the Stars), game-type shows (Who Wants to be a millionaire?, Weakest Link), makeover shows (Extreme Makeover, Trading Spaces), contest shows (Survivor, Apprentice), and shows that really don't have a point but to show people in real life situations (Real World, A Simple Life).
When reality shows were just getting started, I tried to make a point of watching at least the 1st episode of each one to see if I liked it. Pretty soon this became an impossible endeavor. After seeing some truly awful shows (Married by America anyone?), I gave up that idea and just watched the shows I liked. This narrowed it down quite a bit.
A few of these shows I continued to watch even though they weren't very good, but eventually I gave up on them. I used to watch Big Brother for a few seasons, but just couldn't stomach it after a while. I watched the first season of Biggest Loser, but haven't watched it since. I watched the Benefactor until it was cancelled. My biggest achievement is actually sitting through the whole season of Apprentice: Martha Stewart. Man was that awful! I did not watch the final episode however; someone told me it was not worth it and saved me the time.
Where has that left my reality TV show viewing? There are currently three reality shows on TV right now that I make a point to watch every week, three that I would watch if they came back, and one that I will watch on occasion, but don't care if I miss an episode.
Watch on Occasion:
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition - This is a great show and I watched most every episode last season. It is a feel good show and often a tear-jerker. However, the plot is always the same (find a family, build a house, show them the house), that I don't feel compelled to watch it every week.
Waiting for a Return:
30 Days - I was a big fan of the movie "Super Size Me" by Morgan Spurlock, so I made it a point to watch this series and I wasn't disappointed. The premise of the show was that he got someone to agree to take on a certain lifestyle for 30 days and tracked their progress. On one show, him and his wife tried to live off of minimum wage for a month. On another show, a Christian man was forced to live with a Muslim Family and partake in their faith. The show mixed humor and educational value (like his movie), and I would gladly tune in to a new season.
Rock Star: Inxs - In some ways I enjoyed this show better than "American Idol". Only 12 singers were selected from the beginning, so there were no really bad performances. The music was rock and not pop which was a refreshing change. The personalities of the contestants really shown through and made it memorable. I definitely think that this format should be repeated - the producers just have to find another well known band that is looking for a lead singer.
Apprentice: Trump - Although Trump is an arrogant SOB, he still provides for some entertaining moments of TV. The production values of the Apprentice rival that of Survivor. The personalities really get a chance to shine through in this show making for great drama. I am wondering how long Trump can continue to hire apprentices though... pretty soon he will have a whole staff of nothing but them. I can't imagine he won't be back with a new season this fall though.
What I am Watching Now:
Survivor - Survivor is in its 12th! Season and still going strong. The format is a proven winner and they mix it up just enough each season to keep my interest. I have seen every minute of every season. After 11 seasons, the surprises have gotten fewer and fewer as the show plays out basically the same each time, so I don't see the show lasting forever. However, it is a testament to a really good show to be on the air this long and I will continue to watch as long as they keep churning them out. A few suggestions - how about a medieval-themed survivor?, an Egyptian theme?, or survivor in a cold climate? - all ideas that they haven't been tried yet.
Amazing Race - I am a late comer to the Amazing Race having watched only the last two seasons. I can see why it is one of the top reality shows and continues to garner high ratings. I'm looking forward to the new season when it begins this month.
American Idol - Every year I say this will be the last time I watch this show and every year I get hooked on it again. This year is no exception. While watching the judges has grown tiresome and boring, the rest of the show is anything but as it is the contestants that really make the show. Seacreast does an ample job without going over the top. More than any other reality show, this one has the best build-up. You get to see hopefuls at their first audition and wonder if they will make it all the way to the end. This is probably the toughest show to win (except maybe for The Apprentice). This year I have an early favorite and he is my pick to win.
Three words:

Is he the newest member of the Soggy Bottom Boys? Bring back that old-timey music!!
The Florida Suncoast Gamers

In order to help fill this void, I sought out some other outlet and came across a Yahoo! group called the New Tampa Gamers. This group was very active and was meeting weekly on Wednesday nights at Hobbytown in Brandon as well as hosting game nights at their own residences. Normally Wednesday night is soccer night, but on a off-night when there was no soccer, I decided to attend. It was a little awkward at first, but I had a good time and learned a new game. The core group of guys involved are very easy going and share my passion for gaming. Since then, I attended some Wednesday night sessions over the Christmas break as well as got together with some of them at their own events.
Over the last few months, I have got exposed to even a wider variety of games, some of which I would never think about playing because they are more heavy on the rules sides of things, but great games nonetheless. One in particular, Caylus, I was especially impressed with and it is my highest rated game to date.
The New Tampa Gamers recently merged with other gaming groups in the Tampa Bay Area to form the Florida Suncoast Gamers. The website is an outlet for us to discuss various games and schedule events. A new Saturday event scheduled at Hobbytown on a monthly basis started in January and I plan on attending each month since I normally can't make the Wednesday night sessions.
Next on Boardgames... I talk about why I decided to design my own "euro" game and the progress I have made to date.
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