
Life-Changing Events

Having a child is a life-changing event. I don't think that anyone can argue against that statement. But what does a life-changing event really mean to me?

Thinking back to when I was a child, it seemed like every day was a life-changing event. And it is... because during your first years of life, every day is new to you (you have no memory bank to draw upon to compare and contrast things to). As we get older, we start to establish routines and patterns, learn our likes and dislikes, and gain experience. Once you get to adulthood, life seems to move at a faster clip. This is because we start to do the same things over and over again, to the point where they become commonplace and familar.

However, there are a few big events that come along in adulthood such as the purchase of a house, getting married, getting a job, going on vacation, and especially having a child. It's funny, but anytime before a major event occurred in my life, I just couldn't fathom what it would be like. I would run it through my mind and I just couldn't picture it. Especially with being a dad. But, the day came and went and it became reality.

So I would think that I would feel completely different. However, it just isn't the case. I think that God has hotwired us to be able to accept changes very well especially if they are done according to his will. Instead of feeling different, I just feel..... deeper. Like I have notched yet another life-changing event on my belt. I feel another layer of love, joy, responsibility, sense of purpose, humility, and comfort all rolled into one. I am different, but I am the same. It's like walking through a one-way portal. Before you walk through, you are afraid of what might be on the other side. After you walk through, you realize that there was nothing to be afraid of, but you are now on the next level.

Now I get to see my son grow up, explore the world, and hopefully someday he will experience these same life-changing events. And when my journey on this planet is over someday, I believe that it will just be another life-changing event: like walking through a one-way portal. And I will feel different, because I will not be here. But I will also feel the same because God has shown us through other life-changing events that we always retain who we are. I will just be at the next level.

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