This past weekend, I was sitting at the kitchen table eating lunch when the doorbell rang. I first figured that it must be some solicitor, but then Bethany said it might be UPS. So I walked to the door and opened it and sure enough there was a package sitting there. I had no idea what it was as I had not ordered anything recently. I looked at the address and it was from Wisconsin. I then remembered that my Knucklebones subscription comes from Wisconsin, but why are they sending me a package??

I then realized it MUST be some kind of game, but I still couldn't figure out why. I tore the box open and revealed a game called "Wallamoppi" along with my latest issue of the magazine (July 2006). Inside the front cover of the magazine was a note saying that I was a runner-up in the March 2006 contest and I won the game and a free 1-year subscription to Knucklebones! Sweet!! Also, in the middle of the magazine, I even got my name printed!

So, thank you Knucklebones. You are doing great things for the boardgaming hobby. I can't recommend this magazine highly enough - check it out at If you call their number, they will even send you the latest issue for free.
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